Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech

Normally I don't blog about things like this. But just like a lot of other people in our country, I'm watching the students, faculty and families of Virginia Tech try and cope with the tragic events that occurred on Monday of this week.

Anytime you hear about something like this...Its hard not to be stunned and horrified by it. But I will be honest with you.....In the past, even though I may think to myself that its awful and I truly feel sorry for the people involved. I also to some degree detach from it. Its something that has happened in another place to strangers and doesn't affect me personally.

I am not trying to excuse my behavior on this...But lets face it, we are bombarded with stories of murder, death, starvation, abuse and a thousand other similar occurrences every single day in the news we read, the radio we listen to and the TV we watch. How many of us take each victim or story to heart?

But this time, for me at least its different. I have been watching these people. I have seen their fear...watched them grieve, seen their confusion and frustration that this has happened at all...let alone happened to them.

This one bothers me....because when I look at their faces...I see my friends. I see myself. I am the same age as most of these people who died. I live in a small community who is to some degree close knit. I see them and think of my friends and my family. This one bothers me a lot.

I see the photos of the man who did this. He looked so normal. Just another average 23 year old student. If I had passed him on the street would I have noticed anything about him that made me pause? While there is a lot of speculation and things coming to light right now as to why he choose to do this to these innocent people and then to himself.. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of dark place you would have to be in to actually do it?

I admire these people of Virginia Tech. I have watched them tell their stories and not once have I heard anyone speak in anger. If anyone has a reason to feel anger right would be those whose loss was so great. But what I do get from them is immense sadness, disbelief and a camaraderie of people pulling together to support each other in a time of need. I see that thing in them that gives you hope that human beings are still indeed worth something.

To the students and families of Blacksburg Virginia and Virginia Tech my heart goes out to you. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.


Unknown said...

I know how you feel. You have to learn to shut it off at times or else go crazy. But this was one of those times I couldn't shut it off either.

Jen said...

I know exactly what you mean. Each time I watched..It made my heart break for them and admire their courage all at the same time.

Reckless said...

Let's face it, this was a terrorist attack. It's funny how much press this got. 30-ish innocent people fall victim to terrorism each day in Iraq. But that's old news. When it happens here, we act like it's more terrible.

Also, after seeing nothing in the news aside from: "Who's the daddy of Anna Nicole's baby" for three straight weeks, I'd almost be willing to go on a killing spree myself in order to save the masses from having to watch crap like that. Whatever happened to real news anyways?

Jen said...

I see those sensitivity classes are really paying off for you Josh. Good job : )