Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Majority Rules

Maybe my thinking is naive or idealistic. But it is what I believe

I don't think any system of government is perfect. I believe that most have their flaws that need to be worked out and adjusted as time goes on and the country and its people evolve and grow. But I also believe in this country it is a mistake to look away from the basic beliefs and principals that our country was founded on.

History tells us that our founding fathers were not perfect men. In fact on a personal level many were far from it. But there is one thing you can say about them that holds true today. They had a vision. They had the courage and fortitude to implement that vision. They sat down and drafted a document that was the foundation for this country and it remains so today. Considering how long we have been in business you have to admit they were on to something.

The country was founded with basic Christian principles. But it allowed for the freedom to have other beliefs and worship. Even though the vast majority of its citizens all held the same beliefs.

It was founded on the idea that everyone had a right to speak. Yes most were of the same political and social thinking....But it allowed for that free dialogue that gave people a chance to voice new ideas, concerns and even make changes without fear of retribution.

I suppose anyone reading this right now is thinking...YES...and your point?

My point is...this is what the country is all about. Its what it has been about since its conception. So why do we keep allowing others to try and make us into a people of politically correct accommodation?

Those of other faiths...we welcome you regardless if your beliefs differ from ours. We are glad to let you share in the freedom of worship that our country provides. But understand the majority of its people are of the christian faith. You can not expect or ask an entire nation to change its values to accommodate you. Here majority rules. If you feel this is an unfair practice. You may attempt to change it with a vote. That is our way too.

Those of you who live in fear of those who possess guns. The founding fathers gave us the privilege and right to bear arms. Yes that privilege has been abused by some with tragic consequences. But in this country the majority of our citizens are decent and law abiding. You can not punish the innocent in a hope of stopping a few that will be guilty. Here again majority rules.

Every country needs to grow and change. But it is wrong to try and change what isn't broken for the majority of its citizens because of a few. Here in our country, each vote counts. Each individual can still speak out and together the sum total of voices equal majority rules.

Do not think to make our choices for us. The majority still want the freedom to do that for ourselves.


Megs said...

Good post. I especially like your point about freedom of expression versus the pressure to be politically correct.

Scott said...

Good post. I agree with you whole heartedly that we ought to hold to the ideas that the Founders set forth. I don't think one of the ideas they intended though was necessarily majority rule. For instance, what if the majority wants slavery? Does that make it okay? Should the minority who live with them, or even ARE the salves just deal with it? Or maybe a more realistic example is what if the majority doesn't think we should be able to own guns? Does that make it right? If government has a purpose, it ought to be to protect the rights of individuals from the tyranny of the majority or the strong.

The second is that the Founders gave us the right to bear arms. I do not agree with this. It's true that is is an enumerated right in the Bill of Rights, but the right to bear arms, indeed the right to defend oneself, is a natural right. It's given to us by our creator, or nature, or whatever you believe. The only pre-requisite for have those rights is human DNA. The minute we admit that governments give us those rights, they cease to be rights at all and become privileges. Something that they can take away at any time they see fit.

Jen said...

Thank you megan.

YES in fact I do think they intended majority rule. That sort of goes without saying since they gave each individual the right to speak for themselves by casting a vote. The sum total of those voices is in fact the majority.

I also do not want my government taking care of me. I want my government working for ME.

They are my employees. They are there to do the things for the country that I decide are important. Thats what they were hired to do.

Yes I believe that we should be allowed to own guns. It is a right given to us by our founding fathers. It was put into place as a means of protection and defense of ourselves and our country.

Because it is our job to protect ourselves from Tyranny not the governments. When we start thinking that we need government to do for us what we SHOULD be doing for ourselves..That is when our freedoms are lost.

I am not saying that we need to go back to the wildwest days when citizens had a gun strapped to them at all times. I think our society has evolved past that.

But I believe that when you start to make concessions for even the smallest of your rights YOU are in fact giving that control to others.

And that is not something I want to do.

Anonymous said...

Good post. I hate political correctness, and any other crappy ideal that impairs our Freedoms, including gun control.

What Scott is saying is very important. He said the Founding Fathers didn't give you Rights, you were born with them. Governments can only try to take them away from you.

By the way, I just added you to my blogroll. Ironically, there was another Jen added right before you.

Jen said...

Thank you for the comments and for the add to the blogroll. : )

I think some where along the way we have forgotten the meaning of public servant. I think thats another post right

Anonymous said...

Would love to see it. We need to remind these people that they're supposed to be public servants, not self-serving money grubbers.