Monday, January 01, 2007


WARNING: There is a predator on the loose that poses a serious threat to society.


The Bunny Boiler [bun-nee - boil r] (noun): Referring to a predatory, self-centered, self-absorbed and sometimes seemingly insane type of female. It can also be referred to by its lesser known name Femalious Carnivorous which is of Latin origin.

It has been my experience that the Bunny Boiler type of female is often very attractive. She will appear perfumed, polished and perfectly clothed. Her personality will be charming and flirtatious drawing not only the male of the species to her, but female as well. Although it should be noted that the attraction of male vs. females will be for opposite reasons.

Males will be attracted to her as a possible romantic-love interest..While the female will be drawn to her because of her strong yet intimidating personality. Females in her company will hope to also be seen as strong and even popular themselves through association. All in all the Bunny Boiler is an adept predator who can change her personality or appearance to blend in to her current surroundings to ensure optimal hunting success.


A woman who starts making wedding plans or naming your future children after only a few dates. A woman who is not only overly interested in your social status and how much money you make, but also the net worth of immediate family members, such as parents or grandparents as well. A woman who is so completely self-absorbed and self-centered to the point that she truly believes the world and its inhabitants were all put there for her exclusive amusement and servitude. (See reference:
Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. )

NOTE: The Bunny Boiler should not to be confused with the more commonly seen "Damsel in Distress". The Damsel may display similar traits to the Bunny Boiler, but is overall non-threatening and relatively harmless.

From my own personal experiences with the Bunny Boiler type of female I have noticed another thing about their habits. They have the ability to cleverly disguise themselves as "girl" friends. I unfortunately had to find this out the hard way- after I realized they were much more interested in the guy I was currently dating rather than in my friendship.

Which brings me to my next tell-tale sign to look out for: Loyalty.

Most Bunny Boilers have no loyalty. They do not and cannot grasp the concept of loyalty to a friend. Nor can they be totally loyal to the men they date. This is largely due to the simple fact that most Bunny Boilers are very focused on their needs and wants above all else. Just so long as the people they surround themselves with fulfill the basic need of utter servitude and adoration of them.....the Bunny Boiler is content to keep them in her circle.

However, should the unsuspecting friend or love interest no longer provide this service to the said Bunny Boiler, she will be all too quick and happy to move on and simply replace them. This is because, to the Bunny Boiler, friends as well as love-interests are easily replaced and interchangeable.

I used to believe that Bunny Boilers were a product of their upbringing... that they were simply females who had been given everything they ever wanted all their lives. Who had been so pampered and spoiled to the point that as they grew up they maintained that "princess" type mentality- and expected and often demanded others to continue to see and treat them as such.

After getting the chance to observe the interaction between men and women in romantic relationships, I have come to the conclusion there are in actual fact two types of Bunny Boilers:

-those created by nature and

- those who were created by contact with the player/womanizer type of male. [the male equivalent of the Bunny Boiler]

I have observed that this type of Bunny Boiler thinking usually occurs in females that are either unwilling to stand up for themselves or who lack enough inner confidence to realize they are being treated poorly. As the romantic relationship ends these females are sometimes left twisted and turned inside out by men of this type.

So much so, it leaves the female in question completely disillusioned and often jaded when it comes to her next romantic interest. The end result is that the innocent suffer after the female adopts the classic "Do unto others before they are able to do unto you" attitude. Changing the once "nice girl" into the more preditory and selfish Bunny Boiler.

There does not seem to be any cure to the Bunny Boiler and her charms. There is no vaccine to make you immune to her. Those who choose to ignore all the signs and symptoms of a Bunny Boiler female and become involved with her anyway usually do so at their own peril. It is rare that an individual can get away unscathed after immediate contact.

She is the human equivalent to Tic-Tac-Toe...the only way to not to play her game.


Forzavryheid said...



I feel very informed now and will be sure to be on the lookout...

One question though:

Does Stubert count?

Regardless of the answer- you are more than welcome to "boil my bunny" ANYDAY. : )


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my question today, appreciate that ~ I hope You & Adrian have a great time down there : )

As for your BUNNY BOILER article ... That picture within the article says a lot!

Take Care,


Anonymous said...

Hello Jen, I found this blog through Adrian's Off My Blog. Cool site you have!

Bunny Boilers! Thankfully not had to many experiences of this kind. What should we use to get rid of them? Carrots?

...that's all folks!

Jen said...

Thank you for the nice words for the post and the endorcement on your blog.

And yessss I had forgotten about Stubert...But in my defense, when I picked out that name for your first born we had known each other over a

Thank you Michael..I think the photo pretty much says it all without any

Hi..glad you stopped by and thank you for the comments : )

I hadnt considered Carrots to ward them off. Now that I think about it garlic and crosses work on vampires..Who knows carrots might do it. lol

Anonymous said...

You're welcome Jen. The post reminded of the film Fatal Attraction and the infamous bunny boiling scene.

How could someone do that to bunnies? Lovely creatures. And my favourite group is, of course, Echo and the Bunnymen.

Jen said...

Glenn Close might have been the most famous poster child for the Bunny Boiler type of female. But unfortuntatly the male and female versions have been around a long long time.

I agree with you about the part where she boiled his kids pet bunny in the gave me chills. More so because I actually know females like her. *shiver*

LOL Thank you sweetie..Im glad you liked the post.

But first of all I would never shine the light on you like that : )

Secondly I happen to know you are as far from that type of female as a woman can get. I would be willing to bet though that you do know a few women and or men who fit this discription.

The reason I know because for some reason they are always attracted to those who seem to be the most genuine. Its almost like they cant stand to see anyone whos not as twisted up as they are inside.

And do I need to ask who put you in this special mood?

exMI said...

You like the bunny boiler topic. I seem to recall it coming up before on your blog. YOU must have had some turely "interesting" experiences with them.

Jen said...

Yes youre right..It is a subject I have written about before. I suppose they are a sore spot with me on a number of levels...Although Im not sure interesting would be the right word choice to describe my experiences.

But I will say that it never ceases to amaze me how many of them there are out there.
They always start out looking so sweet and harmless too..but they have teeth and will bite. So you need to becareful. : )

Anonymous said...

I wish you a Happy New Year sweetie!! I'm sure Adrian has told you already when I had conversations with him in the last days.
You know I have experiences with a bunny boiler and your blog post is very well written.

In particular I like you post about Sheriff Joe Arpaio, he's my personal hero since I heard about him nearly to years ago and in my opinion he is a genius. I wish we had guys like him in Germany.

Jen said...

I have really missed you and Im glad to see you back.

Thank you for the comments. Im glad you liked the posts. : )

I hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO!

Anonymous said...

Most riduculous thing I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that someone cannot disagree or say something that is written was thought of as being silly? And the insults only confirm what I've thought all along.

Forzavryheid said...


Why is it that someone cannot disagree or say something that is written was thought of as being silly?

You are MORE than welcome to disagree- but dont be a pussy about it by hiding your name.

And try to do it through CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Point out specifically by means of a quotation or make reference to the points you wish to dispute.

You however, made NO such attempt. You offered no "words of wisdom" (insert stifled laughter here)- you simply made a negative and unsubstantiated remark.

NEWSFLASH: We all know Jen, and we all know that she HAS been through a few negative experiences with "Bunny Boilers". I have dated one, fondly remembered as Satan.

So they DO exist- we are all proof of that. The blog post is a humorous attempt at means of identifying them.

So dont come crying when people call you out on being what we all thought YOU were all along:


So take a hint and PISS OFF.

Jen said...

I believe the signs are always there. Even in the beginning..I think we just get so caught up in them that we choose to ignore it.

YOU are absolutely right she is a bunny boiler and..YOU ARE MOST DEFINITLY SPECIAL.

I have only two words for you. NT

Ek is ook lief vir jou.

You are more than welcome to disagree with me or the contents of my post.

If you have never personally met or seen a real Bunny Boiler before I suppose this all might sound ridiculous to you. So if thats the case...just consider yourself very lucky.

However if you have ever boiled any small furry woodland creatures out of spite.
-Or if you possibly have an odd obsession for Ruby Red Shoes...
-Or if you are the proud owner of any flying monkeys....

Then I would have to say you have indeed seen a Bunny Boiler.

If you have a mirror handy I can show you what one looks like.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: It's amazing how brave and forthright people are when it comes to criticising under anonymity.

Why don't you put up a link to your blog or website so we can take a look?

Or is that a ridiculous suggestion?

Anonymous said...

I have neither a blog or website. Too bad, then you all could come over and bash someone who dares to have a different opinion from the writer of this blog. I don't remember actually disagreeing with what was said, only that I found it ridiculous.

Unknown said...

Anonymous, you contradict yourself. First you ask why can't you disagree, then you say that you actually didn't disagree.

If you were disagreeing, you should have debated and/or discussed it, instead you make a negative remark and then try making it seem as though we're the bad guys for reciprocating. Don't play dumb as if this isn't what you were looking for. All I can say is we're dorks for playing into your needless tripe. So bravo for that.

Now, why don't you go read a blog that isn't "ridiculous" and feel productive in this world? Or, go eat a dick, son! (I get that from Dave Navarro. Isn't he sweet?)