Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Wonder

I wonder what kind of place the world would be...

If we lived in a world where instead of countries sending their people out to fight their wars, they made their respective leaders do it themselves- in the traditional sense. One on one... face to face... and with bare fists. I wonder- would the bullies of the world still win?

I wonder what kind of place the world would be...

If we lived in a world where a leader was willing to get his own hands dirty. Would that same leader be willing to go out and live in the same conditions that he asks and expects his troops to live in? And if he did... would he still choose to go to war and the fight for his cause when it was he that had to give up his family, his friends and the comforts of his home instead of his nameless, faceless troops? .

I wonder what kind of world we would have...

If we had to take a test before we could marry. What if it simply wasn't enough to just be in love? That we actually had to think about what our lives would be like, once we tied the proverbial knot. And what if we actually had to have a plan and have answers as to how we planned to conduct our lives as a married couple? Would people be so quick to do it then, if they knew they were being going to be graded on their responses?

What if we were made to actually parent our children? What would happen if in order to have a child we actually had to be able to prove that we would always be around to raise it? What if we didn't have the option of leaving that said child with nanny's,family, friends and/or day care more hours in the day than we could actually spend with it ourselves? What if we were forced to go to all the soccer games, help with the homework and each day spend a set amount of time interacting with them?

What then? Would we stop having as many children if we really had to choose between career and family? Would the world be a better place? If our children are the future of our countries and the future of our very planet- would we be better people if we actually had to learn from our children instead of the other way around?

I wonder what kind of world this would be...



Anonymous said...

I've had this exact same conversation with some very close people in my life and often wondered the outcome.

I'm quite sure the world would be a VERY DIFFERENT place if this were the case.

Fantastic posting today Jen!

Michael !

Anonymous said...

We all know that things would be better, yet somehow things never seem to change and the world slides ever more into stupidity.

On the issue of parents spending more time with their children, this is topical for me because I'm soon to become a father.

I would love for me or my wife to spend all day with our future child, but the reality is that both our incomes are necessary for the househould. Difficult decision to make but fortunately the child will be able to stay with his grandparents during the day.

Jen said...

Thank you Michael. I think the world would be a different place too.

Although I wonder if it would be better? Sometimes the innocent changes you make..thinking they are for the greater good..have unseen ripples that dont end up the way you expected them to be.

Do you know what I mean?

First of all congratulations on becoming a dad!

Secondly...I realize in todays world that alot of parents have to have two jobs just to make ends meet. Some are single parents and dont have the luxury of being a stay at home parent.

These are not the type of parents I am refering to. I mean the type that would choose career over child rearing..The kind that spend more time willingly in the office rather than with the child. The kind that even when they at are home..they are absent in their childs life.

I just think if your going to be MIA...get a dog..Its not fair to the dog either...but at least hes not going to be running the world in a few years.

Good Luck with the daddy stuff..Is it a boy or girl...or do you know? No presure but..Girls rule you know..*grin*

Forzavryheid said...


Banning Political Correctness would be a good place to start! : )

RICHIE: Congratulations on the soon-to-be-born child!!

Anonymous said...

Adrian and Jen: Thanks for the well-wishes! It's a boy and we're expecting him in February. And yes, girls rule, but they also need people to rule over--i.e. men!

Jen: I see what you mean now about parents who do not get involved in the life of their children. I do know a few people who seem to enjoy being in the office more than at home. Guess they don't have a satisfactory family life, which is a crying shame. Me, I begrudge every moment I'm not at home.

Edge: good point. Also Sparta was a city-state where the elite were the ones who had to fight. It was seen as an honour and a privilege. The healots or serfs just had to work the land and do the menial stuff. Of course, they had less rights when it came to politics, law, education and health...

Forzavryheid said...

RICHIE: You broke the code buddy!!

In front of our friends, WE (the men) rule the roosts- only behind the scenes do women actually run things!!


Anonymous said...

Jen: I just noticed that you added a link to my blog! Thank you very much!

Jen said...

Im not suggesting that we necessarily go back to the fuedal system...And while Im not saying that the leaders of governments dont take their actions seriously when they send their people off to fight in a war.

I just wonder if you realized you would have to be going too..If you knew, that there was a good chance that someone was going to shoot at you..or that you had to look into the eyes of the man on the otherside...Would it change the choices you make??

It sounds to me like you are already on the right track. We dont get a practice life with do overs...So its sad when parents miss out on so much of what are really important things in seeing their children grow up. I think you will be a good daddy.

*sigh* Boys are ok too......


You are right..politcal correctness is one of the first things that needs to go. But we have turned into this society of "What about Me" thinking.

Everyone is so afraid that the other guy might get more respect...or more attention..or be slighted in someway. That we have created a polictal correctness monster.

OK now heres the question..You have created The Frankenstien of political correctness..How do you get rid of him?

Adrian and Richie
Guys..women already understand the Code..and youre system. Who do you think lets you continue to use it?

ps: Richie you are welcome for the link..Your blog is great!

Anonymous said...

Adrian: Dammit, now they all know about THE CODE!!!!

I'm running for the hills!

Jen: Thank you for the kind words. This blog makes me feel good!

Forzavryheid said...

How to get rid of political correctness?



(And beating the crap out of anybody that advocates it)