Saturday, January 27, 2007

I Will Decide

The topic of the last post was about the proposed legislation in California to make it illegal to spank a child under the age of two years old. If this law were passed it would make California the first state in the nation that regulated how a parent could discipline their children.

The comments I received from this post were really interesting to me. Although they seemed to center more on the value of spanking as a form of discipline rather than whether government should be allowed to dictate how a parent can and should discipline their children. So that brought other questions to my mind.

Such as...Is it the role of government to tell a parent how to raise their child? If we say its ok for them to tell us we cannot spank as a form of discipline then what other rules will this bring about? Will they also tell us where we can educate them, what they wear, what they are allowed to watch on TV and for how long? What about music and dating? Will these things also be deemed necessary to be regulated? And if we consent to all of these things... can we still say we are raising our own children? Or at this point are we allowing government to do it for us? And if we do this....what type of society will we become?

If we are going to take that step down the slippery slope....then what of the abortion issue?

I personally feel that once a sperm and egg are introduced and unite..that we are now dealing with a person. I don't care if at that point the person is just a mass of cells dividing amongst themselves. At that moment, when those two things meet, genetically speaking we are now on the course to creating a full fledged walking, talking, thinking human being.

You see, the problem I have with giving things a name......such as fetus for example, is that it seems to minimize its importance in the big scheme of things. But if you look at it as though it is just another descriptive name in a long list of names during the different stages of development.....such as Infant....Toddler....Child...Teen...Adult. Then you have to realize that you can call it whatever you like, but the end result is still the same. Its still a human.

Just as a caterpillar left alone becomes a butterfly......a tadpole becomes a frog......those few small cells dividing and dividing again, have everything it takes to one day love.

Having said this....Do I want my government delving into this part of my life? Do I want them to have control and say so over my body? Do I want them to be able to tell me how to raise this child if I have one?


I have a real problem when a government thinks they know what's the best thing for me even better than I do myself. I do not want others to do my thinking for me. I do not want others thinking they are smarter than I am and therefore NEED to do my thinking for me. I suppose the only way I can prevent such a thing from happening to to indeed think for myself and vote. And by doing so making sure that no one ever has a chance to pass laws that will take away my right to decided what kind of society we have.

I don't like everything in the world around me. I think there are a lot of things that could be said have gone straight to hell. But as bad as we seem to think things are, I do not want ANYONE taking away my rights to speak and think and live freely.

They say that when you loose things like freedoms that you never lose them all at once. That evil is not something that comes and falls on you like a wall. It is the small, insignificant day to day things that we give up because we are too lazy to do them for ourselves. Like parenting our children.

Maybe I am to idealistic in my thinking....but if you think so...maybe you need to be too.


Anonymous said...

I read this and immediately thanked heavens for a little thing called:


It will sure come in handy when some Socialist comes knocking on your door and tells you how to raise your kids...

Jen said...

Part of the problem I have with this is that we seem to want to make a law to fix things that people themselves need to repair. There are things that shouldnt be delt with on a governmental level.

Its time we used our brains and common sense and did the work for ourselves and stopped looking to politicians and government to fix every problem of day to day life.

Anonymous said...


Its amazing how effective they are for making people use their brains and common sense.


Jen said...

Maybe Im to passive agressive. But I honestly dont want someone holding me at gun point and telling me what to think either...


Anonymous said...

Thats OK- the end of the Cold War deprived me of my dream to kill a Communist.

A Socialist will make a good replacement.


Anonymous said...

YES! Adrian---my new hero.

Anonymous said...

Where all these socialists who are telling people what to do?

I want one!

I can't take responsibility for thinking, getting dressed in the morning and wondering what music to listen to. It's too much. My brain has been destroyed by too much television and beer.

Sign me up!

Forzavryheid said...




Richie said...

Adrian: Me too! I spent a lot of time crafting a highly intelligent response which I then threw away before submitting my usual "Funny" comment, and it appears that Mr Anonymous has stolen my identity!

This time the military industrial comlpex has gone too far. As Chief Executive Minister of Intelligence I shall be looking into this.

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. I agree with you 100% when you say a Fetus is just another phase in the development of a human being. Just like Infant, toddler, etc. What puzzles me is your attitude toward the government providing protection under the law for these (yet unborn) human beings. If it's illegal to kill an infant, toddler, child, teenager or adult, why is it ok to kill a fetus?

Jen said...

I have given thought to what you asked. Its a fair question.

First of all..we already have laws protecting human beings from murder. In fact if Im not mistaken we even proscute some mothers for abusing alcohol or drugs while a child is still in the womb for child abuse.

I have also come to realize that while I can understand rationally some of the circumstances where a woman may want to terminate a pregnancy. I dont believe that unless Im walking in her shoes..I can actually know fully and understand her feelings. Not all pregnancies occur due to laziness or neglect on a womans part.

Should I be able to tell a woman who has suffered from rape, incest, child abuse or finds her life threatened because of a pregnancy that its just tough luck sweetie, its my way or the highway?

I also have to ask why is it that as a people we dont ALL see a fetus as a human? Why has it not been put out there in such a way that it makes the idea of abortion as repugnate and as morally unthinkable as murder or child abuse?

We have to many laws right now that we cant enforce. I dont think one more is going to keep women from aborting children. That has been going on since long before this issue ever became political.

I understand the value of a human life. I dont kill or abuse or many other such things because there are laws to stop me. I dont do it because I know right from wrong.

Anonymous said...


I agree that a law against abortion would not stop all abortions from happening. But what does it say about us as a country, as a society for that matter, that we are willing to declare such a horrific act legal? Laws against murder don't stop all murders but I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that would agree with you if you suggested we make murder or manslaughter legal in this country.
Honestly, I think it comes down to the fact that a fetus is a person yet unseen and unknown. And for some reason, it becomes OK to end that life since we never actually "saw" that fetus in person. I'm a father of 2 children and I've SEEN sonograms of my kids in the womb. These sonograms were taken at a time when it would have been perfectly legal to end their lives with an abortion. They were alive at the time of those sonograms. Moving. Kicking. Interacting with their environment. The only difference between a 3 month old fetus and a newborn babay is 6 months - and an introduction.

Jen said...

You are right a law wont stop all abortions...just as laws against murder dont stop them from happening.

That is exactly why I dont think that a law is the answer. All a law does is say that if you do this thing..there are consequences for your actions. We will punish you. Thats ALL a law is designed be consequenses for actions taken.

We already have laws that are designed as punishment for those who take human life.

If you want to stop this...if you believe abortion is wrong. Then you need to change the way we as a society view what is a human life. You have to teach people to realize just because a child is out of sight it doesnt make it less real. You have to make people see that those few cells dividing are just as important and signifcant of a life as the child after birth has occured.

You arent going to make changes in this world by making more rules and laws...You make changes occur when you change the way people think. You do so by example and by education. People are visual learners as a whole..They need to be shown.

Its sad to me that its taking everyone so long to actually figure out and learn this lesson.

Congratulations on being a Dad : )

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's a big issue. The government, laws, morality...what rights parents have over their kids?

One good question would be: What would god think about abortion?

Three Score and Ten or more said...

Interesting thinking. I just spent some time in Finland and was there introduced to a married couple who had had their children put in foster homes because one of the children mentioned to a school friend that he had been spanked at home. (not abused, just spanked)
Fascinating variations on life.

David Amulet said...

I am with you. This is a very, very slippery slope.

There are many things I disagree with. And many things I think are horrid. But that doesn't mean I want the government to dictate personal behavior.

The libertarians sure have something right--government should do what we cannot do for ourselves. And that's it.

-- david

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Jen.

Isn't it weird that the government wants to abolish parents who discipline their children, yet will discipline the parent(s) if they do!?

If discipline is "evil" (or "wrong") then why should the government do it? If we took *that* to its logical conclusion there'd be noone in prison! Eeek!

Good post.

Jen said...

I honestly believe that government shouldnt dictate to us how to raise our children. The family unit should be untouchable.

It is a matter of allowing our goverment to do a job for us that we should be doing for ourselves.

Whenever that happens its always a bad idea.