Saturday, September 09, 2006

What No Pictures?

Except for this last Monday being a holiday.....This week has pretty much sucked. Its been raining almost all week long. Normally I like rainy days. I suppose with my mood being what it was though, the rain just seemed to make it worse. Besides it wasn't one of those crisp cold rains that smell good. It was the hot humid dreary type of rain. The kind that makes the air feel like its thick and sticks to you.

I managed to make it through the week pretty much unscathed and now here I am. Its Saturday morning. I have consumed the required two cups of coffee.....

I have already received several text messages from the UK.
(Happy face)

A few emails and some new pictures.
(Bigger happy face)

ANDDD.....Its no longer raining. Or at least not at the moment. Things maybe looking up.
(Almost ready for the happy dance...but not quite)

I have stalked all my regulars blogs and done all my required reading and commenting for today.....By the way you people need to get on the ball and post...I'm dying here!

Now...Its time for my project of the day. I'm still not sure I should attempt this. Because I hate to screw it up and then be with out a computer.....On the other hand I am sort of a compulsive geek....And this is just too tempting for me on a day like today, when the house is quiet and I am left to my own devices.

Soooo I am going to go get out my old computer tower, and do a techno version of Hannibal Lector....And cannibalize it. I'm going to rip out the memory cards....And the two hard drives and anything else that looks interesting and see if I can reinstall them into my current system.

The old computer got zapped by lightening a year or so ago....When it happened I never really tried to find out how much of it was still functioning. It wouldn't turn on...and that's pretty much where I stopped looking. If it just took out my mother board...Then the other things might actually have some use...If it fried the whole enchilada...Well then its going to be a waste of time. But I wont know that until I open the bad boy up.

And before you say it...I am the one who installed the extra hard drive and memory cards in the old computer...So its not like I don't have some clue as to what I'm doing. Still, it has been a while since I have done any of that sort of thing...

Now if I can only remember how to change the the old hard drives from master to slave.....Hmmmmmm I guess I'm actually going to have to read some instructions. NOOOOOO please not that!

I basically come from the Sesame Street school of computer learning...... Where we the self taught, if given plenty of pictures, can disassemble and reassemble anything.

But if I actually have to read the instructions....

Ohhh dear lord help us all.


Forzavryheid said...

You CAN do it!!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, a visual learner, just like Mamabear! GOD! I hate Saturdays, just hate them. They are icky, throws off my whole cadence--no structure.

You would think they would not bother me since I do not have a set work schedule "block", but they still continue to irritate me.

Ha, word verification for this entry is cdzzz. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Bwahahahahahhahaha

Jen said...

Thank you for the vote of confindence sweetie.

I did manage to get one of the extra hard drives in and recovered some pictures and some music.

Still one more to go though..

Yes Mam...a big time visual learner. If I can picture it in my head...I can do just about anything...

BUT NO PICTURES....and Im screwed.

exMI said...

I've done that a time or two. Good luck!

Jen said...

Software would be great..but in order to use it I would have to have the hard drive in a working computer..Right??

Which means removing the hard drive from the old PC and putting it into the new computer.

Which I did..and I managed to recover everything on the first hard drive. Most of which I admit I could of cared less about.

But there were some photos and some music I was glad to get back. 1600 plus songs. : )

Im glad to see Im not the only one doing the whole mad scientist thing with their computer.

Jen said...

Ahhh Jef...I did it shipping required...But thank you for the offer.