Saturday, September 02, 2006

Does The Label Really Matter?

Feminism : The doctrine that maintains equality for the sexes; advocacy for women's rights.

If I go by the above definition I have to ask myself am I a feminist? I cant honestly say that I feel men and women are completely equal. I think there are some pretty big differences between us and to that I say GOOD!

I have never felt the desire to burn my bra or smoke a cigar. I have never wanted to be a man or man like. There's probably a few people out there right now breathing a sigh of relief over that statement.. I like being female and I like being feminine. While I can never claim to be the girlie girl type.... I do like to watch and play some sports. I like to fish and play poker...I also like being treated like a lady. I like a man to be polite to me. I like it when he speaks to me with respect. I like it if he wants to use manners and open my door or pull out a chair. Its called being polite. I like it...I appreciate it. Unfortunately I rarely see it and I don't expect it.

I see nothing wrong with a man being Chivalrous..I wish there were more chivalrous men in the world. I don't mean the Knight in Shining Armor type who wants to rescue me and fix all my problems. I can do that for myself.

Having said that...I do not want things to go back to the way they were when women were only one step above slavery. When we weren't able to vote..Or own property or allowed to do a lot of things that gave us equal footing in society. So in that way I suppose I am in favor of equality. But then as I see it..Those things are more human rights than a male/female issue.

I believe if you do a job..And you have the physical and the intellectual skill to perform that job, then you get paid for that job. The pay you receive should not be based on your gender or your race. It should be based on the job. Its simple....You work....You get paid.

I have never felt a woman is less if she chooses home and family over that of a career outside the home. The choice to stay home and raise a family is probably one of the hardest jobs any person can do. I say person because in this day and time a lot more men are making the choice to be stay at home dads while the wife works outside the home. I see nothing wrong with that..If it works I say go for it.

Besides that...I think if you're going to have children you should stick around to raise them. Its the biggest responsibility you are ever going to have. You are molding the next generation, who will one day be running things. So it would probably be a good idea to take the job seriously and not screw it up.

I believe that a person should strive to be independent and self reliant. I believe self reliance and independence brings freedom and a confidence in knowing you can take care of yourself. You then know that any choices you make are done so because you do have a choice, not because you have no options and cant survive any other way.

Do I want to share my life with someone someday? Yes I do. Do I hope he helps me solve problems? Yes I do. Just as I hope he will value me, my thoughts and my abilities enough that he wants me to help him as well. We will do it together.

Am I a feminist, a humanist...Or just feminine? If so how bad is that? Does the label really matter?


exMI said...

You have a great outlook that others should emulate.

Jen said...

Thank you thats a great compliment.

Drew said...

I totally vibe with what you're saying.

Jen said...

Thanks Drew!
But your not just saying that to make up for screwing up my confession about the shoe are you? And then outting me to the entire blog world?


Thank you for saying that!
That means a lot coming from you.
Ek varlang na jou and Ek is ook lief vir jou.

Drew said...

Okay, insinuating that I would do such a thing hurts. Really bad.

You're like an elephant! You don't forget things do you??

Jen said...

Drew Drew Drew...
First of all implying that a girl could resemble an Elephant in anyway is not a good idea.

Secondly..Sadly..No..It is a distinct flaw in my personality. I do not forget.

But that was an impressive attempt to guilt me in your last comment. *grins*

Forzavryheid said...

People say I am like an elephant too- usually something about a long trunk.

Does that count? : )

Jen said...

*big smile*

Where have I gone wrong with you?

Unknown said...

I think you just said what a lot of women believe. I think "feminism" has come to mean something bad because so many people who proclaim to be feminists are so...extreme.

But I've never been able to figure something out: If what a feminist supports is the right for women to make their own choices, not be controlled by men, etc and to make the world see that women are capable of this, why, why, why would they then turn around and insult other women's choices and try to control them?

Another thing is, it seems like "feminism" has lost some basis in reality. For instance, women in the army. I think if a woman wants to be a soldier and can keep up with the requirements she should be allowed, but alot of women cannot keep up. So feminists want to lower the standards for women. I find that unequal and dangerous.

Long, long, long story short: I don't like the label either. And now I will leave my soapbox.

Jen said...

I totally agree with you. Women are their own worst ememies sometimes when it comes this issue.

I also agree with you that it shouldnt matter what gender or race a person is..If they have the physical and intellectual skills to preform a job they should be allowed to do the job and get paid for the job accordingly.

Dumbing down anything helps no one. Whether that be an education or a skill required to perform a task.

What happened to the idea of raising the bar and expecting more from ourselves? Its become to important to be politically correct and not hurt anyones feelings.

In the end that attitude hurts everyone.