Sunday, November 27, 2005

When Its Real

When its real how do you know? This is what I think.

When its real, it shouldn't be hard. It should be something that's easy, that you don't have to struggle to make work each and every day.

It should be something that gives you an inner peace. It should be something that leaves you with no doubts.

It is a friendship that has caught on fire. It gives trust, kindness, respect and love and in turn, expects nothing.

It should lift you up, make you feel as though you can do anything, because they believe you can.

It is quiet patience and understanding for the small human flaws we all have. It is not selfish. It puts you first as a priority.

It is a fire that is fueled by a mutual practice of all these things. It provides a strong base for the rest of life to be built upon.

I suppose not everyone in the world is looking for the perfect something...There are plenty of people out there right now content with their singleness. I see no problem with being single. But there also seems to be a large group who are looking...Looking for that perfect someone...... That perfect relationship...... That perfect something to make their lives complete.

I will be the first one to tell you I am a hopeless romantic. I am sentimental to the core..I save every movie ticket, every dead flower, every card, etc. Because to me these are the real things. Its not the "Stuff" we think we have to have from others, that's supposed to say "I love you" when given or received. To me the birthday card that had a hand written heart felt message, with added illustrations was more precious to me than any "Stuff" I could have received. But this is me.. And this is what matters to me and what I consider real.

There are so many different personality types in this world. Not everyone wants the same types of things from a relationship or a partner. Is it wrong because some do not want the romance of it...They prefer the security of the material or monetary. To them having someone provide them with the comforts of life is a show of affection or love. Just because its not what I would look for, does this make it wrong?

I am coming to realize that everyone has different needs and wants from life. What those happen to be, are based on how we were raised and our life experiences. What may seem as a deal breaker to me, would not seem so to another person.

I still have no sympathy for the BUNNY BOILERS out there who are cutting huge swath through the single population. Laying to waste those with good kind hearts and forever changing them into the mistrusting and bitter. I hope someday they find a cure to your type of virus and people will be immune to you.

But until they do I hope that those of you out there who have had to deal with those train wrecks in your lives...I hope that you don't let those people ruin your hearts. Its difficult not to harden, to protect yourself, in case there is a next time. But if you do this...What else do you keep yourself from? Possibilities? What if you have to be open to hurt before you can find the real thing?

If that's the case...Isn't it worth it? To me it is....What about you?


JgStephan said...

You know my opinion and I don't have to write it or?

Off topic:
With my bad command of language I nevermore quote a proverb from a hat or other things...but it was very funny! "LOL"

Anonymous said...

Singleness is all well and good and fun... but what happens when your 60 years old, dance-club-move-busting skills are at an all time low, and you can't just pick up some random gal at a bar?

You gotta jump the single boat eventually...

My worst fear is staying single forever.

Jen said...

Shhhhhhhhh!!! Quiet now : )

You already know I am a dork..

You know I made a mistake, so dont go and tell on me in my own blog!

And stop laughing...I know you are!

First of all, you will never be single forever..

YOU have way to many skills you are not acknowledging...You forget, I know of your "following". LOL

Secondly and most importantly, you have something that is priceless, You have a conscience. You are a good person, who is honest and trustworthy. I have a feeling that some woman...if not many have already spotted these qualities and are at this moment hoping you will give them some of your time.

You Single??...Not a chance...

JgStephan said...

I am sorry, but I can't stop laughing. ;P You are not a dork...I'm the dork, because I caused the misunderstanding. We divide the title, you become a half and I the other part...

@Dreadcow - We have the same worst fear...

Jen said...

You are sooo sooo bad! I had completely forgotten about that picture and apparently the hat too. I feel really dumb.

You and dreadcow get me so frustraited with your thinking on being single...I think this is one of those things that I am going to have to write a post about..Since it seems that both of you suffer from the same thinking!

And you already know what Im talking about : )

I think your right sometimes we have to go through the bad things and learn from them. Sometimes they make us grow up as people and we become better...If we use the experience in a postive way..However, some of my friends havent quite gotten this concept yet.

DS Irvin said...

Somehow, this reminds me of Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin.... never mind.

JgStephan said...

You are right, I am soo soo bad! "lol"

You will wright a post about those things? I'm curious to read it...

Jim V said...

Best advice I ever heard regarding relationships:

Comment: I just don't know if this is the right guy for me. What if he changes over the next 25 years into someone I don't want to be with?

Advice: You don't stay with someone on the basis that they hopefully won't change too much. You stay with someone because, knowing that everything about you, them, and the circumstances of your life will change completely, that person is the one you want by your side through it all.

The person giving that advice has been married a few months shy of 60 years.

It seems to me that the people most willing to give advice about relationships, the ones most eager to point out that they have "figured it out" are the ones who have had multiple relationships that went bad. Want to hear some expertise on marriage? The guy who's had four wives will be the most willing to spell it all out for you.

But if you want to understand what makes the people happy together, look to people that have been together for decades. The more decades the better.

It's not about finding "just the right person". It's about loving the person you simply love to be with even when they fall short of your somewhat exhaustive description of the perfect relationship.

Okay, time for me to stop babbling and pay attention to my wife for a while...

Great blog, by the way.

exMI said...

Bunny boilers???????

Jen said...

Jim Voigt
I think that is the very best advise I have ever heard too. I couldnt agree with it or you more.

Thank you for sharing the great advise and the comments. I was glad to get them.

Bunny Boilers: Ladies who have the potential to be stalker types. Or those who try to use and abuse you because they know they can play on you emotionally.

Have you never seen Fatal Attraction...classic part when Glenn Close character boils the families pet bunny, because she is being rejected by her married fling..