Saturday, October 08, 2005

When I Was Invisible

I remember when I was invisible. Nooo, I don't mean the kind where you close you're eyes and if..You cant see me.. I cant see you. Although, I did think I could do that when I was a very small child or so I'm told. I mean the kind of invisible that happens sometimes when you're not quite grown up yet, but not a child anymore either. When you're not too tall or not too short, not to fat or not to thin. You do ok with grades and sports but just ok..Not star material. It was during this time I could just blend in and observe.

Part of me enjoyed this feeling of being anonymous. But part of me will admit there were times when I wanted to be more like other girls who were getting more attention. I don't think it was an issue of popularity. I went to a very small school...It was Kindergarten through 12th grade all in one school. So every one knows everyone else. I think at that age you want to be noticed by the opposite sex...But at that point in my life I was just one of the guys. Looking back on that..I think if I knew then what I know now, I would have stayed there.

Then I suppose around 8th/9th grades I started growing up...As everyone does. Of course we all do this at different rates some earlier and some later..But I remember very clearly how it felt to go from invisible to very visible. I wont lie to you...It was nice having the opposite sex pay attention to you...At least at first. The problem is....What I didn't see before..... and never was involved in...There are politics to growing up. Its a pecking order. Because while the opposite sex might pay more attention to you...So do your female counter parts. And trust me, they aren't as thrilled that your getting all this new found attention as you are...I was moving into uncharted territory, so I didn't realize there wasn't a spot at the table for everyone. I was just to amazed at the idea of how I was one person at the end of one school year and by the next year everyone thought I was someone else. That idea still baffles me.

Even today, I find that my friends or family or even more so people who don't really know me see me as one way and inside I still feel like that same kid who was invisible. I would be lying if I said that I still don't like attention occasionally. Truthfully if its positive attention..Who doesn't like that??? But there are times when I still would rather just stand in the back of the crowd and just blend in..and observe....Just become invisible...


JgStephan said...

Your Post is written as always very well. I am missing the correct words again, my bad language skills... I steal the words, please excuse this Jef.

I would go back in time and be fifteen or sixteen years old, for only one reason. Perhaps my life would have proceeded differently and I wouldn't have had any accident at the age of seventeen years. Perhaps I wouldn't have had newly learn to go and not had any amnesia. Perhaps my English would be better. Perhaps? Sorry, I have been completely off the subject with my comment but it occurred to me.

I don't like attention and prefer to be anonymous. If somebody makes compliments to me, I dislike it mostly.

Jen said...

I agree..I would never want to go back again. And sadly if I did I wouldnt want to know what was going to happen. Because if I did, I would probably less trusting of people than I am now.

I am sorry you had an accident and I hope you are ok.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to know the future so I could avoid some of the bad things..But if I already knew that there would be people who would disapoint me or break my trust..would I be suspicious of everyone I met then and not be willing to let anyone close to me? And if I did that then I may have missed the good things as well as the bad. Does that make sense?
But if I had my choice, I would blend in to the back round and be the observer. You learn far more about people sometimes just watching and listening.

Jen said...

Its quite alright Stu..When you say something that is so true you can never say it to often.

Jen said...

I like what you said in your comments. I feel like that too. It took me a while to figure it out. I used to believe everyone had pure motives in wanting to be a friend. As you pointed out this isnt so. I know who my real friends are..
Thank you Stu, Im glad we are friends too. Being on youre list is good enough. Besides, Adrian is one of a kind it would be hard to reach the level hes at : )