Monday, September 12, 2005

Not On Sunday....

Competition is not my thing. It never has been. I don't believe I have the personality for it. Unless we are talking about fishing. I wont lead you to believe that I'm the type to enter a contest to get a trophy or win that new bass boat. I cant talk to you about the newest Bill Dance Red Wiggler Lure. Or the pros and cons of large mouth bass vs the small mouth variety. But when I do get out there and throw my line into the water and wait....I expect a pay off for my patience. I do not just WANT to catch a fish, I NEED TO! If I cant catch the biggest fish, then I at least must catch the most.

Its a sickness I know. But I come by it honestly. My great grandmother was a little like this. My fathers family is from south Georgia. Every time we would go back for a visit. Granny would talk us into taking her to all the local hot spots that she new were full of fish. She never fished from a boat, only from the bank. Mostly in ponds and usually with a cane pole and bobber. I have used this method before and while I still like a little Zebco rod and reel. A cane pole will get the job done. The thing about Granny was, the woman could not stand it if you were getting fish nibbling your line while she was getting nothing. If she saw your bober getting a tug. You can bet money, within a few minutes she would be elbow to elbow with you trying to throw her line into your spot. Now to me.......This is just poor fishing etiquette. You do not poach on another's spot. At least not while they are standing there pole in hand. And if you think I'm bad about needing to catch something...YOU haven't seen anything till you watched this woman. If the fish has lips and a tail she felt it was worthy of going in the bucket. Now, I wanted to catch something too. But even I know the difference between a fish and bait.

Granny was a sport. She loved going to church, fishing and eves dropping on other peoples conversations. Not necessarily in that order. But even as much as she liked to fish, in her opinion there were only two things you were allowed to do on a Sunday. Go to church and eat dinner after. During one visit while she was trying to talk my parents into staying one more day so we could go fishing at a couple places she hadn't tried yet. I made the mistake butting in and opening my mouth..."We can always go tomorrow cant we"? My parents who should have been there to step in and side track my mistake, said nothing.....They just gave me that look.....Well...You stepped in it now. Granny looks at me and in shock says "ON SUNDAY"!!!!??

I have been in this family all my life. If I have learned nothing else I know this, when you hit rock bottom.....Stop digging. So I did what anyone would do when they were afraid for their mortal soul. I lied. I said "NOOOOO MAM...Is tomorrow Sunday? I forgot what day it was. No we cant go tomorrow". My parents who I thought were my protectors just sat their during this and said nothing. I know it was their way of giving me another one of those lessons they are so fond of.

I don't know if the lord would send you to Hell for fishing on Sunday. But I know that my Granny surely would have.


DS Irvin said...

what has the world come to when fishing sends you to hell.... I fish every sunday for striped bass, sea bass and the such

DS Irvin said...

by the way, magic carpet ride is one of my all-time favorite songs!

Forzavryheid said...

I like NT on a Sunday- it sure beats fishing and instead of sending you to hell, it takes you to HEAVEN. : )

Im sure Gran will understand.

Jen said...

illimitable voices
Well I dont know for sure if you go to hell or not..But at this stage in my life...its not worth the
I love this song too..also one of my favorites.

Jen said...

She never said a word about NT being illegal.Im not sure she knew about that....She was pretty old. lol

Jen said...

THANK YOU! No reason to get into trouble over a fish.

Steven said...

I hate fishing - I went 3 times and will never go again. I like the great indoors!

timmy G said...

i dont fish often, but i dont see ne thing wrong with fishing on sundays, i am catholic, but i dont often go to church, i think i should, but i lead a fairly decent enough life to not go to hell...i Hope :S

Jen said...

Steven Rawski
Ok...first you have to be one with the fish...Get into you inner angeler...And talking trash to your fellow fishing buddies is good

timmy G
I dunno if catholics have to worry about the fishing on Sunday thing. I will have to consult with a catholic grandmother over that one : )

JgStephan said...

You go fishing? I did not see ever a young beautiful woman like you.. and I was very often fishing.
That is in Germany more a sport for men.

Honesty is very important but that was only a harmless white lie! Sometimes it is better if you does not say the truth.

I don't think the lord send you to Hell for fishing on Sunday. If a woman fishing herself a married man, then perhaps. :D

Apropos prejudices, like your granny, so I imagine a old southern lady. ;)

Jen said...

Im not sure of the customs in Germany as far as females fishing lol....but I have been been going since I was a very little girl. When I was younger my father was asked if he and my mother were going to have another child...Didnt they want a boy? My fathers reply was "What for? She can do everything a boy can do". For the most part as far as he was concerned I did. : )
As far as fishing for married men...I havent done really well in my past with the single ones.. I want no part with the married

PackerPundit said...

awwwww cute story... grandma's are the bomb!!!

I have two great ones!

well I've never been fishing... city boy here... but if I ever find myself in "your neck of the woods" (I think that's what you country girl's cal it) maybe you can teach me

God bless -- Romey

Jen said...

Romeo Jensen
Thank you, Im glad you enjoyed it. Yeah grandmothers are great. I have always feared as well as loved mine. It was always better to just say "Yes Mam" and do not make eye is usually easier that

Unknown said...

Jen, you are SO grounded! So, so grounded!

Haha, this post was too damn cute!

Jen said...

GROUNDED!?! See..this is what happens when you tell the truth about telling a lie..its never good.

Jen said...

UTOH! I have already talked to him about it alittle..He says YOU are the fisherman of the two. He did mention something about a braai and beer...But I will ask again and see if there is more to the story than what was originally told..LOL
Glad to see you back Stu!