Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Promise

When you go to college its not just about the parties you get invited to or the possibility of better employment through higher education. Its also about being exposed to new ideas and new people. So being the compulsive over thinker I am I admit I'm sort of like a kid in a candy store. I'm now in a place where they not only want you to ponder other ideas and philosophies but they encourage it!

I'm not sure they realized what they were getting into when they opened up that door to me..but its too late now...I'm already thinking.

I enjoy the questions about morality and values the most. Because while you may think those issues would be clear cut, they aren't always. A lot of times the perspective or position a person is in when facing those issues determine their level of values or moral thinking. I think by examining these other points of view it has allowed me to look at my own set of values. I have recently had to think about what is my own word of honor worth.

For example....Lets say you give your word to a friend or a romantic interest. You promise to keep their secrets and confidences because at the moment when the promise is made you're very close to that person. At that moment in time, you cant imagine that relationship ever changing. But life isn't that simple...and the fact is..relationships end...people change and sometimes friends let you down. So you have to ask yourself...are the promises you made to this person solely based on the circumstances or the relationship you were in at the time you made them?...Or are they based on your values as an individual and your word of honor as a person?

I'm not going to try and judge this for anyone...I wont say there is an absolute right and wrong here. I can only say for myself I have to know that my word has meaning. It doesn't matter what the actions of others are. I have to be able to look at myself and know that I am honest and trustworthy. Because even if my word doesn't mean anything to anyone else. I want it to mean something to me.

Now before you start thinking I'm trying to sit myself on this noble higher plain. I have to be honest. I don't like being hurt or screwed over any more than the next guy, In fact I'm human and I suppose just like other humans I have my own share of screw you thoughts when it comes to individuals who have hurt me or let me down. But I guess when its all said and done...I have to remind myself that the way I behave or the actions I take reflect on the person I am. Not on the other individual. And its about who I want to be and how I want to feel about myself at the end of the day that counts.

I know that I have to make certain choices for myself. I don't want to be weighted down with hard feelings, bitter thoughts or self pity for things gone wrong. So for those of you who might be worried about the fact I know your secrets..and where the bodies are buried...figuratively speaking of course. Rest at ease. My promises are still good..and your secrets are still safe with me.


exMI said...

Interesting. Now we are all going to wonder what brought that on.

Something that a person tells you in confidence that you promise not to repeat should not be repeated.

Jen said...

LOL...Not as big a mystery as you might think. Ive just been put in a postition where Ive been asked to think about what I would do.

The question just struck me on a personal level too.

But I agree...once a person tells you something in confidence its not to be matter what.

Anonymous said...

So you have to ask yourself...are the promises you made to this person solely based on the circumstances or the relationship you were in at the time you made them?...Or are they based on your values as an individual and your word of honor as a person?

You know, I'd love to be able to say, "I'm honourable until death" so that regardless of someone's change of relationship status with me I'd keep their little secrets. But I think realistically if someone stabbed me in the back, or our relationship changed for the worse I think those preciously locked secrets may no longer have their locks!

Although, thinking about it a little more now... I can recall secrets from certain ex's that I haven't spilt, but maybe the real reason has to do with proximity though - as after a relationship split you don't associate with your ex's friends any more (those to whom the secrets are generally about)!

So yeah, I think I'm perceived as honourable when all I've really done is forgotten the secret, but on the rare occasion I do remember... stay close and don't cross me.

>;o) LOL

Jen said...

Hey Ryan
Remind me not to share any of my deep dark ones with you. lol

I guess youre right in that I have had those sort of thoughts cross my mind. I also admit that when I was younger the idea of taking the high road wasnt one I considered as much.

But you have to ask yourself...whats it about..their behavior or mine? I cant control theirs good or bad. But I do have some say so about who I am.