Monday, October 24, 2005

What's You're Dream?

We live in the land where dreams come true. Or that's the what the bumper stickers say right?..."The American Dream". I had always thought that meant wealth and success..The older I get the more I realize that not all dreams are money based. And success is a matter of perspective.

Money is nice...But its never been a huge deal to me..I suppose when you have never really had any...Its hard to miss what you never had...I know that's not where my hearts desire lies. Mine is more in finding that inner happiness...

The things that have always mattered most to me are the people I care for. Family to me isn't necessarily the the biological kind..Family are the people who become a part of your life. That inner circle that are your support system and your sounding board when you need one. In some cases these people may have a biological connection...But just like me, I see more and more people who have glued themselves together as a family because for no other reason they choose each other to love and care about. Maybe that's the best kind of family there is...Not the ones you had no choice in...But the ones who choose you.

Its sometimes hard to give up on dreams. I think when you loose one, especially an important one its feels like grief. And while nothing can replace it...I believe if one door closes another opens no matter if you can see it at the moment yet or not..

The Rolling Stones say ....."You cant always get what you want.. But if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need". Maybe that's the hardest thing of all...Realizing that what you want and what you need are two different things...

What is your dream?


JgStephan said...

This is an excellent and very well written post Jen. :)
I have read your sentences repeatedly although I have already understood it at the first one. I like the citation from the Rolling Stones...

Jen said...

Thank you Stephan. Never under estimate the wisdom in old rock and

Jen said...

the Desolate Cubicle
Thank you, I appreciate the comments.

Pikkel Weezel said...

Great post, I wish I could post articles like this, everytime I do ,I get hatemail telling me that I've gone soft.

Jen said...

Its your blog...Tell the haters to kiss off! Youll write what you want : )

Youre post made me laugh..Thank you.

Shawn said...

I love that always reminds me of listening to my college roommate's bootleg of a Stones concert where Mick sings that one all out of breath from tearing up the songs before it. It's just an awesome musical moment.

About dreams...I think I agree with you about the support system and friends. Having people around that care about you and that you care about is a success in my book.

I've got a list of things that I want to do in my life. It's kind of cool to see some of them cross off...and a bit inspiring when I drag it out and realize there's still a lot of shi...stuff left to do.

Jen said...

My "To Do" list isnt very big..I guess Im just not that ambitious. All I want is to find someone to share my life with...have a job I dont hate to go to everyday and enough money to be comfortable...and be happy. The rest is all icing on the cake...