Monday, October 31, 2005


Today I'm slightly annoyed...Wanna know why? First of all... Let me say, I have never been a parent..I have been a child who has parents, so this is the extent of my personal first hand knowledge of this subject. So I'm going to say right up front this is solely my opinion.

I think there was a reason that God or the higher power decided to create a human using one sperm and one egg...And that the sperm and the egg would come from two totally different individuals. Because I firmly believe that parenting was meant to be a tag team event. That it would most likely require two adults at the top of their game to raise and guide the brain challenged little creatures they produced into becoming semi normal adults.

Having said this....I realize that there are a lot of families out there for what ever reason who are single parents...To those of you who fit into this category..And who take the job seriously...I applaud you..YOU have my utmost respect and admiration for the difficult job you do every single day. Raising a child or children is probably the most challenging job there is in this world and to do it alone...Well you have to be tough.

I also realize that due to the world being as it is...And the economy being what it is...That not only do single parents have to step outside the home to work, that some two parent family's find they also need two incomes to make ends meet... It doesn't make you any less of a caring parent and the plain truth is..YOU have to do what you have to do..

I have every intention of going to school...Hopefully getting a decent job when I'm through. If things work out, I plan on working right along side my guy to help build a life for the two of us....As long as there are no children in the picture, why not? I think we should share this. However..When and if we become parents...Far down the road...He and I have talked about it and we would prefer it if one of us could stay home with the kids at least until they have started school. I think raising kids is a pretty important job. If our family can financially do this. We should. I think if we are going to have them, then we should make every effort to raise them. My guy feels the same way. We both had a stay at home parent for a portion of our lives and it was good thing.

That was still not the part that got me annoyed...Sorry...Here goes..

I had someone make a comment to me the other day, that they couldn't see themselves waste their lives staying at home to be a mother and wife....That they were far to intelligent to sit around the house doing nothing that couldn't be better done by a maid. OHHHHH NOOOO...This is the part that got me boiling! A maid?!!! First of all, my Mom will be the first one to tell you up front she was not put on this earth to be anyone's maid..Growing up, She has informed me on more than one occasion that if we are part of a family that everyone in the family had a responsibility to help around the house...And this most definitely means picking up after yourself. If this person thinks that all there is to keeping a family going is housework they have no idea what they are talking about..

Parenting requires so many various job skills there are too many to mention...But here are just a few...Doctor, Banker, Cook, Chauffeur, Diplomat, Spiritual Advisor, Repairman,Teacher, Counselor, Detective, Therapist, Disciplinarian, Fashion Critic and Stylist. This is just a small few that are used on a daily basis. If you got the sum total salaries of all these jobs put together, you could never afford to pay a mother or should I say parent to stay at home and take care of your kids...

A MAID? All I can say to this person...Do all of us and the world a favor..Do not reproduce..

The world has enough problems.


Jen said...

I am hoping that this person with her superior intelligence will realize that motherhood isnt her thing. And I never said we were

JgStephan said...

You are quite right with it! The woman has strange views and she would be guaranteed not a good mother...

Jen said...

Yep, I think you pretty much summed it up..Im not sure whether to feel sorry for her offspring or afraid of them. Maybe both.

I do not see her winning any mother of the year awards anytime soon. I am hoping that if the time comes and she produces a child that maybe the reality of having one and the knowlege of what really is involved will open her eyes..If not..maybe whoever she picks to take care of her child will be more nurturing that she is.

Lia said...

I would've been annoyed too. In fact, I am annoyed. I really wish HER mother would give her a really good spanking. What an ungrateful child! I fully agree with you that if you have children, you should raise them. Yourself. Doing the best job you possibly can, giving the challenge all the energy you have. Parenting is a full time job!

Jen said...

I couldnt agree with you more..If you cant be bothered to raise one..then dont produce one.

Unknown said...

Well, I'm a single mother and I could write a book on it, but I won't because I don't have time.

She couldn't handle it and she knows it. THAT'S why she "sees" things the way she does.

She's scum and hopefully she doesn't reproduce. And if she does, I hope her words taste yummy.

Jen said...

Thank you Jenn! I told her the very fact that she made this comment at all indicates a complete lack of intelligence on her part..If she were at all smart..she would refrain from becoming a wife or mother and save some poor unsuspecting child and or guy from having to deal with her "spoiled, high maintenance, its all about me ass".....

DS Irvin said...

i would love to be a stay at home dad.... just being honest.

Jen said...

illimitable voices
I dont see anything wrong with being a stay at home dad. I think men get a bad rap with this idea because its traditional that a woman raise the 2.5 children while the father is the bread winner..But the way things are today..its possible for a woman to go out and make a decent living allowing a father to be the one to stay at home.I know a few fathers who have done this and have done great job as the stay at home parent. I say go for it...

Unknown said...

Where's Jen?

Anonymous said...

Nice post Jen.

And yet again I find myself agreeing with you: I think it is important for the wife to remain home and raise the kids, at least, as you said, until they reach the age where the youngest is at school.

I know my parents did for us kids when we were growing up, and while we struggled a little financially at times, I thank and love my parents for sacrificing themselves for doing so - my mum for not capitulating to the world by working full time, and for my father for putting in those extra hours where needed as well as spending as much time as he could with us.

I just hope my future wife shares the same views. It'd be a shame to miss those wonderful developmental years of my own sons and/or daughters for the sake of prestige or more money.

(And yes I thought I'd read a random post... who knows what tomorrow will bring! lol)