Monday, July 07, 2008

Environmentally Incorrect

"So kill the polar bears and nuke the penguins? That's your plan Jen"?

NOOOOO...don't be silly... of course not. I have no issues with the polar bears...But I think you give me far too much credit for having the kind of power it takes to "NUKE" something......If I were going to nuke the penguins, I would have done so when that annoying movie Happy Feet came out. Unless.... when you say "nuke" you are referring to act of microwaving. Then who knows, maybe with the right dipping sauce and side dishes.......I bet they'd taste yummy, just like chicken.

Maybe I am a little environmentally incorrect. So what...get over it! It doesn't mean that I don't care about the world around me. I do understand we only have one planet..and our survival is dependant on the planets survival. I can understand the balance created by the food chain...and I realize that if we knock the stool out from under ourselves by destroying those smaller links in the chain...then we, those who are at the top of that same food chain will be the ones left twisting in the wind.

I was raised in a small rural farming community. Ive seen many examples through out my life of what we get from this planet and what it means to be responsible for it. Growing up most of my friends were country kids who worked on family farms for summer jobs...Picking or planting peanuts, watermelon and tobacco. I know some of our local farmers have even been honored on a national level for using farming practices that are not only land friendly but provide habitat to local wild life. My grand parents have always had a huge vegetable garden and put up (canned) everything they grow. I have been lucky to be able to experience and see first hand what it means to conserve and value what you get from the land.

So YES I get it. I understand that conservation is not just a question of what we WANT to do but what we NEED to do.

Having said that, I also know growing up the way I have, in a small rural community where the economy can be sometimes rather slow, that most of us don't have unlimited resources. That most families live paycheck to paycheck. While being environmentally conscious is obviously desirable..its not always economically practical. And economics is the biggest motivator of change. Like it or not..that is the way it is.

We as people might feel a tug at our hearts when we see those polar bears...or the rain forests being burned...But those are only images for most people and day to day are out of sight out of mind. The things that get to us on a daily basis are those things we are forced to deal with because they are a part of our lives, such as the rising cost at the gas pumps. When you are already living a life where every dollar is spoken for...that can leave you with little to no room left to move.

So even though our social conscience might be telling us that being environmentally friendly is the best way to go, We still have to ask ourselves is it economically realistic? How many people can really afford Hybrid cars? Yes they are better for the environment...but out of the eight or so manufactures that currently have a hybrid available....only two are under $20,000. dollars. That means most are out of the price range of average families. And what about those new "green" light bulbs....Sure they will cut down on the amount of energy required to use them, thus maybe saving a little money long term. But the cost to upgrade to these new bulbs isn't done cheaply. Bulbs cost an average of $30 each, multiply that by say a 6 to 10 light fixtures or lamps per home. In my home alone I counted 9 which equaled a cost of $ 270. That might not seem like much to some, but when times are tight..which they are for a great many people....things such as light bulbs that aren't a necessity can be done without.

Which brings me to another point....when those same bulbs burn out...and they eventually do. You cant just dispose of them like other bulbs. They contain mercury...and have to be disposed of accordingly. To me it makes little sense to create something that is more energy efficient...and environmentally friendlier to use...and then make it out of materials that will eventually be toxic to dispose of?

I'm sure there are those who wont agree with me on this, but its seems to me like this is a simple math problem. A family only gets X number of dollars each month. Each of those dollars is allocated to certain basic, clothing, mortgages or rent, utility bills, car payments, insurances, medical expenses....etc. Just the normal things that the average family has to deal with. When the cost of gas rises...its not just about what it costs to a family to drive. Doesn't it also increase the cost of food and clothing and many other products? Which could mean that same family going without some of the basics let alone being able to afford any of the extras that they want.

So maybe it seems environmentally incorrect of me to focus less on the land and animals who inhabit this planet with us and more on the economic and political side of what it means to rid ourselves of our addiction to fossil fuels. But I feel if you want people to care enough to take action and make real significant changes quickly....then it has to be about the things they deal with and relate to in their day to day lives.


Anonymous said...

SOoo you wanna burn the forests 2, right? hmmmm....Could be a solution, no more forests, no more problems.

I'm not beeing silly...I'm just having fun...But...yea...more seriously, this ice melting gives me the creeps.

Jen said...

Sure why not? Open flame will cook those little penguins to tasty perfection!

I'm not thrilled about the idea of the ice caps melting either. If it happens I'll either need a boat or be living on some great water front property.

But there is also thinking out there that this is a natural cycle and progression in our planets evolution. We do have examples of similar occurances taking place here before, right?

I mean you dont see any dinosaurs walking around do you?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder if the U.S. is really as big and bad as whomever makes us sound. We need to clean a little, but you are right on all points. What about China. I hear the air is so bad there people won't go outside. Is that good for the environment and responsible? They have tons of people shouldn't they be doing something to reduce pollution?


Anonymous said...

Jen: Ok, I'll get over it. By nuking, I meant sending nukes to the penguins...

Yes, there have been some strong weather variations. Like the Ice's not just a relates to something that actually happened....many times. Europe was alternatively covered with snow and hot tropical jungles, where dinos, giant mosquitos and weird birds lived. (Like during the Jurassic Park period)

For the dino's everyone's seems to agree that it was an asteroid. some even say that it might have created the Gulf Mexico. could happen again though....but their is no relation to ice melting.

However, according to the charts this increase of temperatures and of CO2 in the atmosphere happened during these last 100 years, which is nothing compared to the history of this planet.

It's not the end of the world but the ocean levels will increase a bit...I'm glad I live at 400ft over. Some Islands might disapear and the lowest land flooded. There will also be water problems due to desertification. Famines, pandemias, massive population big deal

Now, I don't know if we should worry about the CO2 levels in the atmosphere. I though that on the long run the planet would become a global version of Apollo 13. It's like beeing in a close room with a giant fire in the middle... If this is the case...If this is true ....ALL emissions will have to be's a question of survival.

Forzavryheid said...

Personally, I think global warming (read: whinging) is a myth.

Funny how all of a sudden we are bending over backwards for environmental hippies, paying all sorts of "green taxes" and premium prices for "environmentally friendly" or "Fair Trade" products these days.

Just another way for the governments and industries of the world to milk us for more moolah in return for doing ZILCH.

If the governments of the world were that serious about climate change and were worried about its imminent impact on our lives, Im sure they could come up with better ideas than carbon credits and taxes.

Also, the earth has been heating up and cooling down since it came into existence- now all of a sudden we are to blame for it, just because Al Gore says so in a propaganda movie that would make Joseph Goebbels blush?


opit said...

On the funky lights. My introduction to them was an article about a $2000 clean-up bill when one was broken in a home. I understand mercury levels are way down now and actually are more than offset by mercury contamination incidental to power production !
Before the British Raj took it over, rural India was prosperous. Think about it : landowners raising much of what they need in a sustainable fashion have reduced expenses. Today Indian farmers are committing suicide en masse : Monsanto's seeds have a lot to do with that. Their water supply problems are also insane : the aquifer is depleted. In Iraq, their ancient trove has been destroyed.
Rural poverty is a function of the structure which is designed to foster corporate farming. A look at what U.S. policies and investments did in Central and South America as far back as the 1940's illustrate a program which will destroy agriculture. Increased oil prices are going to make fertilizer unaffordable and tillage ditto : the 'fun' is just beginning.
I do recall a story about a Washington state farmer who went back to raising stock breeds ignored by mainstream practice and marketing locally to restaurants, practicing 'organic' farming : business boomed.

Jen said...

jean-jacques, knot, obit and forzavryheid
In all seriousness...I believe in conservation and protection of our resources and the environment.

I do not form these opinions because of any documentaries that have been produced by Washington or Hollywood celebrities. I feel this way because of a few simple reasons.

One....We can not continue to harvest resources from this planet without making attempts to renew that supply. Its simple math..You have to at least equal the replacment of what you remove or you eventually wind up with ZERO.

Secondly..I do not wish to live in a toilet!

NOT even dumb animals are foolish enough to ruin the place they have to feed and sleep by defecating in it.

Only HUMANS are lazy and disgusting enough to foul the place they need to grow food and live. Only HUMANS are arrogant enough to think that they are the only living thing of real importance on this planet. And only HUMANS are selfish enough to put the value of money over that of their own species.

Thirdly...if in fact the ice caps do melt. I am one of those parts of the population who is below sea level. I live in Florida...very close to the Gulf of Mexico...So yes the idea of my home going underwater or the idea of more off shore drilling isnt one Im to thrilled with.

In fact a great many of the reasons I am disgusted with the whole current enviromental "green is clean" frenzy that is going on now is because this ISNT A NEW IDEA OR ISSUE!

WE have known about air, water and land polution for decades now. Topics such as deforestation and toxic chemicals and fossil fuel emmisions have been discussed for YEARS!

And yet..we have done very little to correct ANY of these problems.

We are a civilaztion that is on the cutting edge of nano technologies and we cant find a better way to move us from point A to point B than that of gasoline?

PLEASE...dont insult my intelligence.

I AM SICK AND TIRED of listening to a bunch of celebrities telling me what we need to do..when nothing of real significance is ever being done to actually correct these problems.

SO while I dont necessarily think that the problems we are experiencing are a "myth" I do believe very strongly that we have everything it takes to fix these problems right now. But instead those who are in a position to do so are more interested in their political or finacial gain of keeping things as they are, "Status Quo". Until the day finally comes that they are forced into a change when they can no longer profit.

forzavryheid is right..we are being milked for everything and anything they can get.

Anonymous said...

Florida?..Cool...I've already been there, when I was a kid. It was a touristic trip, Orlando...Miami and the Everglades. I saw alligators out there and got stucked because of a hurricane.

I loved was really fun... specially the boat ride on the everglades.

exMI said...

Go jen go!

Things keep getting worse and better at the saem time. Usually something better then results in something worse. One of the reasons that that there are such problems in India (africa, etc.) is due to the massive population increase which is a result of modern medicine keeping so many people alive that used to die. The population in Iraq is huge compared to what it was back in the happy fertile crescent days. Thus putting extreme pressure on the water supplies and the land.

The dirty little secret that the greens don't put out is that to really accomplish their goal would require a reduction of the earths population by about 60 - 70%.

Anonymous said...

I think I get what you're saying. We should be environmentally friendly within the means that we have.

I am going to pick on Knot for a moment. China definitely needs to clean up their act but if anything, that should motivate us to try to increase our enviromentally friendly practices. there's always going to be someone worse than us, but that's just an attempt to rationalize bad behavior.
You have inspired me to blog, Jen!

Jen said...

I enjoy the everglades too. Im not sure what type of boat ride you are speaking of..but they have some amazing airboat rides. I LOVE AIRBOATS.

Maybe youre right and modern medicines do play a part. But over population is another issue that infuriates me. If you are in a world where disease and lack of food and water are primary conserns for shortening life expentancy...then WHY are you continuting to reproduce like bunnies?

Perhaps I dont fully understand the all complex issues that are at the route of these problems. But again...I think people make the most simple things more complex than they have to be.

After all, even I know where babies come from...Maybe someone should tell them.

blue raggedy

Yes we can only be as environmentally friendly as we are able to afford to be. But then the question I have is..if its a life and death issue..and so vitally important for the survival of the planet...THEN WHY isnt it made available and affordable for EVERYONE?

I mean after all..if evironmentally safe products are the only kind available to us as consumers...then we would have no choice but to use them wouldnt we?

IF they (those who are in control) want to fix this is within their power to do so. So I think instead of pointing the finger at the general population...maybe we need to take a look at those who produce the products we are forced to buy.

Anonymous said...

Airboats! That's it!

Unknown said...

You are right. Actually, there are a lot of things people can do day to day that don't cost anything that would help in the long run. Its just they aren't as splashy and don't make anyone any money so you don't hear much about them. For instance, I never take a sack for one or two items from a store. I take my own bags to the grocery store. I don't buy new clothes, I shop thrift and vintage (trickier and more work, yes, but often cheaper and just as good). Actually, also works with books and music. I replaced my cleaning products with Method and Seventh Generation products, which aren't any more expensive than other cleaning products, for the most part.

I live in a place where walking everywhere isn't an option and I live 17 miles from my office (also not bikable) but I try to carpool when possible and use as little gas as possible. I don't leave lights on when I'm not in a room, I don't leave the water running, etc etc etc. If everyone did that stuff it would add up just as much as bying a hybrid car or special bulbs.

I do believe in global warming. Also, the whole issue with China has been discussed in every environmental conversation I've ever had. See, their thinking is that they are not wealthy and they want to be and they are following the example of the US in order to obtain that wealth. So, everyone thinks we should refuse to trade with them and what not, but have you ever noticed exactly how much of our stuff comes from China? Its crazy.

Anyway, I sort of forgot my point except to say I am an environmentalist (degree in it and everything) and I don't think you are wrong.

Unknown said...

You know, this whole enviromental thing kinda annoys me, but they do bring up a few important point, namely we shouldn't abuse what we have. I am fully supportive of doing what we can within reason. If that means buying green light bulbs then what ever.

However I do find it interesting that in the name of saving energy, why don't politicians tell people things like, adding in insulation in the attics, make sure your windows and doors are in good order, and if they aren't fix or replace them, add in a ridge vent to you house....ect. In reality all these things that can make you house more efficiant also saves you the long run. I guess I just find it funny that people will jump on one item that is the current "BIG THING" so to speak, and ignore everything else.

On the subject of cars, no one ever talks about the cost of recycling or disposing of the batteries that come with hybrids. I can't stake my life on this, but I suspect that the over all cost in energy of a hybrid isn't really all that differant from say, and toyota yaris, or honda fit. There are so many options out there to save money on gas that don't include a hybrid, like getting rid of flipping 6000-8000 pound SUV's. IMO there is no rational reason to drive an SUV on a daily to work and back basis. Get something small for this. Anyway, to avoid getting off on my CAR soap box I'll stop. All I ask is that people engage their brains for a minute or this so hard??

As far as the polar bears are concered......can't you pay to hunt them???? hehehe i hear they make a really cool rug.

Jen said...


Hey there! Counldnt stand it could you...Had to come to the dark side? lol

I have to agree with you on most of what you said. The whole subject annoys me. They behave as though these are new issues. They arent. Most of this data and thinking has been around for a very long time.

They have known for some time that we could do numerous things to conserve and protect what we have...But they have failed to do anything of substance toward those goals.

Talk is cheap...and so far over the past decade thats all it If they wanted to make real changes they could do so by regulating the materials we have available to us to build, drive, consume or just purchase in general.

Go straight to the manufacturer and only produce those materials that will be safe. Perhaps it would cost more. But when there is nothing else out there to use...they will either find more cost effective ways to produce them or they will go with out.

And I agee with you about the whole battery issue. I do not understand why they continue to create things they claim will be more energy efficent and then make parts of those items hazzardous to dispose of? It makes NO sense.

Ps....You shock me with your comments about the Polar Bears. You forget they are pretty water resistant too....think of the possiblities. : )