Saturday, April 26, 2008

Current Events.......part one

South Carolina is suggesting a Bill that will make it mandatory for a woman considering abortion to view an ultrasound of her fetus before she makes the choice to abort. Opponents of this Bill say that it is just a tool to intimidate women who have already made an agonizing choice.

First let me say that I believe a person should have the right to decide what is best for themselves and their bodies. I believe this to be true no matter if that person is male or female...20 years old or 80 years old. An individual should not only have the right, but the responsibility to make choices for themselves in regards to their health, any medical treatments or lack there of.
Having said that, I don't personally believe in the act of abortion. I don't feel that its a good choice or solution to the issue of an unwanted pregnancy. But denying a woman's right to make these choices for herself isn't the answer either. I think rather than trying to legally prevent the is better to educate, and provide all possible information allowing a woman to make the most informed choice possible.
Which is why I think the South Carolina Bill is a good idea. I will concede that counseling and literature provided to those women who are contemplating abortion is a good idea. But its not enough. I think its time we stopped referring to babies as fetuses. Doing so to me makes them sound less like a person.
I am of the belief that the moment the sperm and egg collide...a human is created. The size of that human or the state of development is irrelevant. I believe that allowing someone to see the person they have see that this "thing" they have inside their bodies...isn't just tissue and cells. It has arms and legs....and a heart that beats. It is a person.
Will this make an already agonizing decision even more difficult....YES it will. And it should. This is a choice that will affect the rest of your life. It will be something you carry with you long after the moment is over. Something you will never forget. Nor should you.
Yes I believe a woman should have control over her own body. I believe she has control when she decides to have sex. I believe she has control when she chooses a method of birth control. I believe she has a choice when she becomes pregnant.
Its not for me to judge the actions of another....And whether I agree with it or not...I think a woman also has the choice should she decide to end her pregnancy. I just believe that before she makes this choice she needs to see first hand exactly what she is ending.


Anonymous said...

I too am of the view that abortion should really be the item of last resort. I often wonder why adoption isn't offered as a viable alternative, especially with the large amount of parents who are willing to adopt.

I think though that maybe guilt might have something to do with it, and abortion is seen as easier alternative... although, having known two family members who have undergone such "treatment" I would strongly suggest to any woman to have the child, as these women have dove into all sorts of stuff to try and mask the pain of what they done.

Finally, I was shown a very graphic video on abortion ages ago and it brought me to the point of almost vomiting it was that bad! My sister saw it several months later (after much caution from my brother and I) and it brought her to tears. While I don't condone the video for teenage consumption it brought home the truth of what really happens without sugar-coating it. So if ultrasounding makes people wake up then so be it.

There ARE other alternatives to abortion.

Anonymous said...

I like it that you said right and responsibly together. Because it is. I don't think people believe carrying a child - because that's what it is, we were all in someone's womb.

I haven't heard of the bill, but it sounds good.

I think a good solution would be before women choose to have an abortion, that they must register with an adoption agency to see if anyone would be willing to pay the expenses of having the child with adoption at the end of the term.

Really, there are too many people who can't have kids who would love a child.

It's ridiculous we don't respect human life enough to share it.


Unknown said...

You've pretty much expressed how I feel about it. I should have the right to choose. Do I think it would ever be something I would choose for myself? No. But do I have the right to say everyone should feel that way? No. Because someone is always going to come up with an example where I don't feel qualified to tell them what to do. Should I force you to have a baby that could kill you or harm you in some way? What if its a baby with a known problem? I can't say you should go ahead and sign up for a lifetime of pain. We all have to decide for ourselves.

The only issue I can see with this, is when is the earliest date a woman can get an ultrasound? And does that fit into the timeframe you have for getting an abortion, if that's your choice? My knowledge of the timeframes involved in pregnancy is pretty much non-existent.

Anyway, I think I like the idea. More information is always better, right?

Anonymous said...

If one day I'm pregnant....which I STRONGLY doubt....I wouldn't abort.

Anonymous said...

I don't like abortion either, but are we really committed to educating these kids, loving these kids, making sure they have a world they can grow up in? I've seen too many unwanted children who have terrible lives--as a society, we need to make sure they have great lives once they are born.

exMI said...

I personally don't approve of abortion. But I do not think i t is the business of me or the government what a person does. (until said person asks the government to pay for it, then it becomes my business)

I do annoy many "pro choice" folks when I tell them that I agree, they have the right to kill their children if they wish. I really hate euphemisms like "reproductive health".