Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Destination or The Journey?

Which is more significant to a persons life...the destination or the journey? I think maybe sometimes we become so focused on reaching our ultimate goal that we forget to learn from the people and steps we have to take along the way. When finally reaching the end of the road to our goal... sometimes we discover that the place we looked to for our success doesn't bring us the satisfaction or happiness we thought we would find there.

I have had to think a lot about what I want out of my life lately. I am at a place that I am making a lot of choices. I wont try and make it sound as though my choices are any more difficult or different than the average persons. They aren't. In fact I suppose maybe to someone else they probably seem pretty insignificant. Day to day I think probably most of us have a more narrow view of the world and tend to focus on the things that affect us personally as most the important. That's pretty human.

But even though I am just beginning, I know that this isn't a dress rehearsal. is life. My life. And each day is one day that is gone and I wont get back again. I am realizing that its not as important where I end up so much, as it is that I become a better person along the way. That I take something from the people I meet and the things I experience and make myself better for having done so.

I cant say that everything so far has turned out the way I wanted or hoped it would. But I will say that when I think about it..I'm lucky that I have had the chance to love the people Ive loved and lucky for those who have loved me back. (no matter what a pain in the ass I am at times) I am lucky to have a family who cares for me. Even the mistakes I have made and the disappointments have their place in the person I am now becoming. I know I have a choice. Do I become stronger from the falls I take or do I let them keep me down?

Ultimately I know the only thing I have control over in this world is me. Realizing that brings a sort of peace. It doesn't mean I stop trying. In fact just the opposite..I plan to go out into the world and kick butt.

I just want to make sure I also go out and live, love and fully experience life while I do. In doing matter where I end up...It will have all been worth it.


Anonymous said...

If you don't enjoy the journey, you won't appreciate the destination.

Jen said...

I totally agree! And I feel like maybe Im way ahead of the game because a lot of people never seem to get that. : )

exMI said...

It is the journey. Destinations change, they come and they go. the Journey never ends so you may as well enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah zombie & exmi are right - it's very rarely the destination that gives us satisfaction, but the journey should (even though it will have its valleys).

Being able to share the journey with someone as well as finding pockets of being content helps us along the way.

Anonymous said...

Well said! I don't have much different to say from your other friends, but that, it's your experience, and that's what makes it more different and difficult. I appreciate your respect for the fact that other's are making the journey, but don't sell your efforts short.

United We Lay said...

The destination is one thing, but the journe is where the action is. We all know where we're going to end up. It's what we do before we get there that matters.

Anonymous said...

I think the destination makes the journey.....If you chose a hard destination...for instance...going to the jungle, North Pole or Irak....your journey will be a living hell......mosquitos, freezing toes or bombs....

If you think about it...all the cities are the same. Roads, cars, subway, buses....and money buys everything anywhere...If you want to enjoy a trip I think that you have to explore the unbeaten paths and explore the roots and history off each place......and of course taking it easy, without going wild or going crazy like those dirty hippies who go mad when they go to India.

Indeed, I saw a doc 'bout dudes who came from western countries. I guess that it's so overcrowded and so different that people just "go bananas".

It also happens in Israel where from time to time, people go coconutts and clame to be the Messiah or Jesus Christ.